Celebrating Pauli Murray

In cooperation with Province I, we hosted an evening with Rosita Stevens-Holsey, neice of the late Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. If you were unable to make it, a recording is available here: https://vimeo.com/949955953?share=copy

There are two book studies on offer if you are interested in taking a deeper dive:

  • Emily Keniston plans to offer a two-part book study for young people (book ages recommended are 10-14): one on June 12th and the other on June 19th both from 7-8 PM on Zoom. The sign up form is here. Another youth minister (and high school English teacher!) has agreed to work jointly to share this offering. We will break the book into roughly two parts, and participants will do their honest best to read the assigned pages prior to the discussion. Let Emily know if you have any questions! ekeniston@episcopalmaine.net


  • Song in A Weary Throat: Writing & Reading with the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray

Join Canon D Littlepage and Canon Sarah Woodford of ECCT for a creative writing book study of Song in A Weary Throat. Every second Thursday from August to December 2024, we will gather over Zoom from 7-8 PM ET and discuss 90 pages of this Pauli Murray classic. Canon Sarah will also provide you with creative writing prompts before each session to help you more deeply engage with the material. Feel free to share the writing that comes from these prompts during our session, or create a larger essay from them, or just keep them to yourself! For more information, please contact swoodford@episcopalct.org.

To keep up with Rosita Stevens-Holsey and activities surrounding the memory of Rev. Murray, follow @preservingpaulimurray on Instagram, go to her website at www.preservingpaulimurray.com, and to https://paulimurraycenter.networkforgood.com/. You may purchase Rosita’s book at https://a.co/d/hIYRGl4, or stream the film “My Name is Pauli Murray” at https://www.amazon.com/My-Name-Pauli-Murray/dp/B09DMPMWCP.