The Episcopal Church adopts policies on a range of issues related to justice and peace through its triennial General Convention. The Church then lives out these policy positions through a variety of means, including the direct engagement of government officials by the Presiding Bishop and other elected leaders of the Church; the witness of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society through the Church’s Office of Government Relations in Washington, DC and its Office of Global Relations at the United Nations in New York City; the leadership of dioceses and congregations in each of the 16 sovereign nations in which The Episcopal Church is present; and, most fundamentally, through the grassroots witness of individual Episcopalians around the world. Though the shape and form of our advocacy may vary based on our national or community context, we are united in our understanding that, to be a people rooted in mission, we must work tirelessly for justice and peace.
The following compendium of the social policies of The Episcopal Church reflects the breadth of our Church’s witness on a variety of subjects local and global. Each has been adopted through the deliberation of the triennial General Convention or the Executive Council, the interim legislative authority of The Episcopal Church between Conventions. The policies that follow are grouped by subject area and listed with the most recent first. The full text of resolutions is available online through The Episcopal Church’s Archives at
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