Provided for you are a list of resources to help you prepare in the event that a hurricane heads our way.
Check with your local Emergency Managers to see if they might need any assistance should the storm impact your area. Your churches might not qualify as emergency shelters, but there are other things that could be of service such as, storing emergency food stores, serving as cell phone charging stations for area residents, being a water distribution point, etc.
Elderly/Disabled Members: Check your membership rosters. Do you have congregants who might need help securing their yards, need groceries, or need medications refilled, etc? Arrange in teams of two to assist those in need.
Water Incursion: Some church buildings flood during the mildest of spring storms. Obviously making the necessary repairs won’t happen overnight. If you are prone to flooding, check these out – FloodSax, aka instant sandbags. These are lightweight fluid absorbent pads that can help stem the tide. They come 20-24 to a case and run about $200. They are super absorbent and last 90 days. They are available at Home Depot. Check out this video from the Weather Channel:
Weather Channel Recommendation:
Contact FloodSax:
Brian Flaherty
FloodSax New England, LLC
100 Winnisquam Drive
Warwick,RI 02886
401-885-3386 c401-369-1436
Stay tuned to local weather media for the latest information (hurricanes can change course quickly monitor closely.