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Safe Church

Safe Church, Safe Communities The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Rhode Island recognize the potential for harm when a priest, ...

EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY (EfM)…are you being called?

EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY (EfM)…are you being called? My name is Jacki Zahn, and I am a parishioner at St. Thomas ...

Education for Ministry

Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with the education to carry out that ...

Congregational Development Commission

The Congregational Development Commission (CDC) provides funds for programs that strengthen congregations, especially those that are field testing new programs/initiatives ...
photo Prateek Gautum on Unsplash

Bexley-Seabury Offerings

The Diocese of Rhode Island, as part of Province I, has partnered with Bexley-Seabury Seminary to offer Pathways for Baptismal ...

Learn and Lead – Spring 2023

Come and See our Keynote speaker Emily Keniston, Director of Faith Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, talk to ...

Congregational Renewal Resources

Congregational Renewal Resources Tuesdays at 2 (EST) conversations are offered to support lay and ordained leaders as they reengage their ...

The Inevitable and the Optional

Some thoughts on taking care during these uncertain times, from the Rev. Canon Meaghan Brower ...

Advent Way of Love

New Advent resources include digital invitation kits Your church can "Prepare the Way of Love this Advent" with a new ...

Grant money available for your congregation’s Way of Love events

The Congregational Development Commission (CDC) would love to help fund events and programs sponsored and run by YOUR congregation which ...

How2charist videos and discussion guide

An instructed Eucharist in digital format, available 24/7. All of the How2charist videos for viewing on our diocesan video portal ...

Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John

Have you ever wished to deepen your relationship with God? To experience a warm friendship with God? Maybe even fall ...

Rule of Life

A Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness ...

The Way of Love:
An Intergenerational Gathering

As a means to introduce The Way of Love to children and families (including grandparents), this resource describes a 90-minute session ...

LENT: Life Transformed

Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We ...

Spiritual Practices

What are Spiritual (or Christian) Practices? "Christian practices are not activities we do to make something spiritual happen in our ...

TURN Overview

Pause, listen, and choose to follow Jesus. Like the disciples, we are called by Jesus to follow the Way of Love. With ...

Overview of the Way of Love:
Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life

Seven Spiritual Practices TURN: Pause, listen and choose to follow Jesus As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi son ...

Church Publishing

Church Publishing is the foundational imprint owned by the Church Pension Group (which provides pensions for clergy and lay employees of ...

Forward Movement

Best known for Forward Day by Day, a daily devotion providing meditations on scripture readings, Forward Movement continues to build on ...

Building Faith

Building Faith website is published by Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary. Their mission is to equip and inspire churches and ...

Diocesan Library

The Diocese has a variety of books, curricula and other resources that are available to congregations. These resources are stored ...


LeaderResources is an Episcopal publishing and consulting organization that offers downloadable resources -- most of them developed by Episcopalians for ...

Diocesan Plans for Way of Love

Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused ...

Introduction to the Way of Love

The Way of Love Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a ...

Advent Curriculum: Journeying the Way of Love

For the season of Advent, Journeying the Way of Love offers four sessions to be explored as we await the coming of ...

50 Ways to Welcome Newcomers

Hospitality is a key ministry within a congregation. All too often newcomers are greeted at the "Passing of the Peace" ...

Choosing Curriculum

Guidance for how to choose a curricula for your church can be found on Building Faith. Some of the more commonly used curricula are listed ...

Faith and Leadership

Faith & Leadership is a website that provides a host of resources designed to "create lasting change by strengthening the ...

Healthy Eating

Churches can help its members and members of their community improve their eating habits by offering programs, education and support ...

“The Cross and the Lynching Tree” Study Guide

The Center for Reconciliation has created a study guide for "The Cross and the Lynching Tree" by James H. Cone ...

50 Ways to Take Church to the Community

Don’t sit in your church building waiting for people to come. Be prepared to meet people where they are. A ...


Happening is a spiritual retreat for high school students.  Young people from all over the state help to plan and implement ...


RenewalWorks is a catalyst for refocusing parishes (and the individuals in them) on spiritual vitality. It has been tailored to ...

Episcopal Evangelism Initiatives

The Episcopal Church has established evangelism initiatives for the whole church. Your congregation can participate in this by downloading and ...

Spirituality Resources

The Presiding Bishop has called our church to follow the Way of Love -- practicing seven spiritual practices (turn, learn, ...

Seasonal Resources

Many congregations offer special educational programs that match the liturgical season. Advent, Lent and Holy Week/Easter are the most common ...

Youth Ministry Resources

The Episcopal Church offers a wide variety of resources for youth ministry leaders. Whether you have enough youth to do ...

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Summer can be a valuable time to engage children in Christian Education -- and can be an important offering to ...

Yale Divinity School Summer Study Program

Seminaries offer education opportunities for laity as well as clergy. For example, the Yale Divinity School Summer Study Program (New Haven, CT) ...

Count Your Blessings

Thanksgiving is a time when many people pause, often just before digging into Thanksgiving dinner, to count their blessings. This ...