Have you ever wished to deepen your relationship with God? To experience a warm friendship with God? Maybe even fall in love with God – again – or for the very first time?
Meeting Jesus is a six-week journey and reflection on the Gospel According to John that includes videos from the monks of SSJE, a beautiful prayer journal, facilitation guide for small groups and more.
The Center for Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary has created resources to help your community get small groups going. These resources include:
- Step-by-step small group facilitation guides for teens, young adults, adults, older adults, online, multi-parish, and diocesan small groups
- Weekly small group curricula for teens, young adults, adults, and older adults
- Daily, image-based, postable questions for online small groups
- Discussion questions & activities based on the prayer journal
- Faith at Home questions, prayers and activities
- Quiet day planning tips, schedule and content
- Timelines and helpful guidance for getting a new group going
- Recommendations for dealing with “Extra Grace Required” folks
- Moderated Facebook support group for facilitators
- Facilitation coaching and live online facilitation Q&A sessions
- Meeting Jesus orientation video
- Communications materials
To download these resources, click HERE.
SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist better known as the Cowley Fathers) is an Anglican religious order for men. The members live under a rule of life and, at profession, make monastic vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. SSJE was founded in 1866 at Cowley, Oxford, England (hence the common name for the order). The order house closest to Rhode Island is located in Cambridge, MA with a retreat center, Emery House in West Newbury, MA. The brothers offer spiritual direction, individual and group retreats, workshops and you are always welcome to attend worship. Visit their website at https://www.ssje.org/visit/. You can also explore the possibility of becoming a brother by starting with this page on their website: https://catchthelife.org/.