The 2023 Episcopal Charities Grant recipients


Church-Sponsored Grants – Nonprofit agencies that partner with our churches to provide basic human needs – food, shelter, healthcare – for our neighbors in need. Those with an (*) have received grants from both Charities Annual and Charities NOW.

Beautiful Day, Providence                                                                   Diocese of Rhode Island

Better Lives Rhode Island, Providence*                                           Grace Church, Providence

Connecting for Children and Families, Woonsocket*                    St. James, Woonsocket

Dorcas International Institute, Providence*                                    Grace Church, Providence

East Bay Food Pantry*                                                                          St. Michael’s, Bristol

Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center, Warwick                                        St. Mark’s, Warwick

Friends Way, Warwick                                                                          St. Mark’s, Warwick

Hope Clinic/Clinica Esperanza, Providence*                                   St. Martin’s, Providence

Interfaith Counseling Center, Providence                                         St. Luke’s, East Greenwich

Jonnycake Center for Hope, Peace Dale*                                          St. Augustine’s, Kingston

Jonnycake Center of Westerly*                                                           Christ Church, Westerly

Loaves and Fishes Rhode Island                                                         Emmanuel Church, Cumberland

Little Compton Community Center, Senior Program                     St. Andrew’s, Little Compton

Martin Luther King Community Center, Newport*                        St. Mary’s, Portsmouth

New Beginnings, Woonsocket*                                                           St. James, Woonsocket

New Urban Arts, Providence                                                               All Saints’ Memorial, Providence

North Kingstown Food Pantry*                                                          St. Paul’s, Wickford

Rhode Island Free Clinic, Providence                                               Grace Church, Providence

Rhode Island Community Food Bank                                               St. James, Woonsocket

Southern Rhode Island Volunteers, Charlestown                           St. Augustine’s, Kingston

St. Mary’s Home for Children                                                              Christ Church, Lincoln

Community Market at St. Peter’s*                                                      St. Peter’s by-the-Sea, Narragansett

The Sharing Locker, East Greenwich*                                               St. Luke’s, East Greenwich

Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts                                         Grace Church, Providence

Westerly Area Rest Meals WARM Center*                                      Christ Church, Westerly


Charities NOW Grants – for Community Agencies feeding programs (not receiving annual grants)

Camp Street Ministries, Providence                                                  Redeemer, Providence

City Meal Site                                                                                         All Saints’ Memorial, Providence

East Greenwich Interfaith Food Closet                                            St. Luke’s, East Greenwich

Epiphany Soup Kitchen                                                                       St. Stephen’s, Providence

Good Neighbors, East Providence                                                     Epiphany, East Providence

Rhode Island College Food Pantry                                                    The Rev. Savannah Ponder, Campus Minister


Charities NOW Grants – for Church-based Feeding Ministries

Church Beyond the Walls, Providence                                             Church of the Redeemer, Providence

Emmanuel Church, Newport                                                             St. Augustine’s/URI

St. George’s, Central Falls                                                                   St. Peter & St. Andrew’s, Providence

St. Luke’s Church, Pawtucket                                                             St. Thomas, Greenville Trinity Church, North Scituate


Diocesan Sponsored Programs

Bishop’s Discretionary Fund                                                              Campus Ministry at URI/St. Augustine’s Church

City Camp – ECC outreach program                                                 Episcopal Conference Center

Youth Programs Hispanic Ministry                                                  St. George’s Church