On Nov. 10, there was a “Commemoration of Witness” evensong service at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Bristol at which Bishop Nicholas Knisely of Rhode Island officiated and the newly consecrated bishop of Vermont, Rt. Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown, preached. The text of her sermon is here. This was one of the events held during the weekend to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship.
The Rev. Bob Davidson, Chair of the EPF told the Episcopal News Service that “Part of our mission statement is to ‘dismantle’ violence. That’s a more active term than ‘be aware of’ or ‘oppose.’ … What we’ve come to understand is the intersectionality of poverty and racism and violence. That … has led us more deeply into racial reconciliation and the awareness of white supremacy, white privilege, as the root cause of so much collective and interpersonal violence.”