Province 1 School for Deacons

The bishops of Province One are excited to announce the call of the Rev Dr. Lynda Tyson to be the new dean of the Province One School for Deacons. Dean Tyson will begin her ministry on Nov. 1, 2019. She is a priest in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT) and formerly Coordinator of the Annand Program for Spiritual Formation at Berkeley and Yale Divinity Schools.  She has served parishes in Connecticut and Massachusetts and as Berkeley’s Interim Associate Dean and Director of Anglican Formation.  Dean Tyson understands discerning God’s call as a lifelong process and enjoys helping seekers move out of their cerebral comfort zones into effective “emotional intelligence” learning and formation where we truly experience the Holy Spirit’s presence and movement.  She and her husband presently reside in Madison, CT.

The bishops would like to thank the members of the Search Committee who worked faithfully over the past several months for their commitment and dedication to this ministry. Welcome Dean Tyson!