Church Properties

Angel’s List-Need a plumber? A roofer? Wondering if any of our churches have used a company you are thinking of? The Angel’s List could help you out! This is a list that is created by the members of the Property Network. It is only as good as the entries contributed by members of the Property Network. To request a copy of this list, or to add a contractor to the list, contact the Rev. Mary Ann Mello at

Diocesan Property Committee-The Diocesan Property Committee is responsible for the care of properties owned by the diocese. In addition, the committee also facilitates networking between all property folks within our congregations to share best practices, discuss success stories and network with one another. For information about this committee, contact the Diocesan Risk Manager,  Joannie Collins 401.273.4408,

Property Forum The Diocesan Property Committee held a property forum in 2015, discussing the basics of property management, best practices and key property issues. You can access information from that event below:

Download the Property Day PowerPoint >
Download the Property Forum notes >

Property Insurance
Church Insurance Agency Corp

Disaster Preparation for churches- read here

Hurricane Preparation for churches: Here is a good tutorial to get parish leaders to begin to think about developing emergency management programs in their church.

Hurricane Preparation for Individuals: Here is a good public service piece to communicate to parishioners.