RI Deacons to Celebrate 30 Years of Ordained Ministry

On July 13, 1985, Bishop George Hunt ordained the first class of Deacons. This was the beginning of the revival and resurrection of the vocational Diaconate in our Diocese. Since that time, there have been 42 people ordained to this order and several others who have transferred their orders to our diocese for a total of 46 vocational deacons. Today, there are 27 canonically resident vocational deacons in Rhode Island.

To celebrate, the Diocese of Rhode Island has designated 2015 as the Year of the Deacon and will celebrate diaconal ministry on May 30, 2015 at 2 pm at St Martin’s Episcopal Church in Providence. There is a Diocesan wide diaconal ministry event being launched to raise funds for St. Mary’s Home for Children, with the current deacons working with parishes and missions to raise funds for this vital work in our community, and to raise awareness of the financial needs of the agency to sustain this work.  The fundraiser was kicked off with the collection of $534 from The Episcopal Church Women’s Annual Meeting designating their loose offering collection during their Eucharist for this initiative!  Parishes are being asked to do creative activities to raise money throughout the winter and the spring which will be gathered and presented to St. Mary’s at a Festive Eucharist on May 30, 2015 at 2:00 PM at St. Martin’s Church, Providence.

Join The Rhode Island Diaconate in Celebrating
30 years of Ordained Ministry!
2 p.m. on May 30, 2015
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
50 Orchard Ave., Providence, RI, 02906