Starting a Walking Program

Walking doesn’t get the respect it deserves, either for its health benefits, its value for transportation, or its role in recreation. One of the easiest ways to exercise is to walk. A walking program can both provide an incentive to walk and provide companionship that increases the likelihood that people will walk regularly.

Medical Trust developed a guide for dioceses, churches and other workplaces to start a walking program. But the information here can easily be adapted to fit a congregation. And it is a program that fits younger adults and older adults alike. Churches can encourage walking by sponsoring a walk before or after worship services, setting up neighborhood or workplace walking groups, encouraging congregational groups to incorporate a walk into their meetings (perhaps even conduct the meeting while walking!) and simply encouraging individual to work more.

DOWNLOAD Start a Walking Program

Also available from the Episcopal Health Ministry organization is a curriculum which introduces walking as both a Christian spiritual practice and a method for promoting good health. The 12-week program allows health ministers to personalize and print learners’ materials for groups large and small.

DOWNLOAD Walk to Anywhere