
Grants are available from the diocese, our denomination and its affiliated groups and from sources around the state. This list will get you started.

  • Episcopal Charities – provides funds for outreach and service ministries in Rhode Island with a preference for those hosted by or affiliated with our congregations.
  • Congregational Development Commission – provides funds for programs that strengthen congregations, especially those that are field testing new programs/initiatives on behalf of the diocese, done in partnership with other church or are part of a plan to spur significant growth, expand ministry, etc.
  • United Thank Offering — provides grants related to each year’s theme. Check their website to see if your project fits this year’s theme. Each bishop can submit one grant for his/her diocese. They also offer five seminarian and five young adult ministry grants.
  • Episcopal Church Scholarships — The Episcopal Church offers educational scholarships to students ranging from K-12 to continuing education.
  • Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grants — These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation, or college/university that is currently engaging in or seeking a new relationship with young adults on and off college campuses.
  • The Genesis Advisory Group of the Episcopal Church is still receiving grant applications for mission enterprise zones and developing church plants which had received funding in the last triennium for a mission enterprise zone or discernment grant for those working to clarify and develop a church plant. There are four different grant applications – each for a different kind of mission planting endeavor:
    • An application for Mission Enterprise Zones
    • An application for Church Plants
    • An application for Hybrid Ministries
    • An application for a Discernment Grant
  • Basic Human Needs Grants by the RI Foundation help community-based agencies (including churches) provide emergency assistance to Rhode Islanders in need. Food assistance requires membership in the RI Food Bank and all require maintaining records on the number of recipients, assistance provided, etc.
  • Black Philanthropy Bannister Fund by the RI Foundation supports youth development and mentoring for Black youth and the promotion of the history, achievements, and culture of the Black community. In 2018, The Church of St. John the Evangelist in Newport received a  Bannister grant for the Choir School of Newport.
  • Organizational Development Grants by the RI Foundation are for a variety of activities that strengthen and improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Equity Action by the RI Foundation is committed to enacting social change by championing initiatives and organizations that encourage justice for, provide support to, and improve the quality of life of LGBTQ Rhode Islanders.
  • Grant Shelburne Fund – grants to nonprofit organizations that provide basic human needs including food, shelter and healthcare to underserved populations in Rhode Island.
  • Champlin Foundation – provides capital exterior improvement grants to historic churches up to $50,000. Several of our churches have received these grants and our camp received campership scholarship funds.