As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we dream and work to foster Beloved Communities where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God. The Becoming Beloved Community Vision Document and accompanying resources help us to understand and take up the long-term commitments necessary to form loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with each other. Together, we are growing as reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers in the name of Christ.
Becoming Beloved Community represents not so much a set of programs as a journey, a set of interrelated commitments around which Episcopalians may organize our many efforts to respond to racial injustice and grow a community of reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers.
The labyrinth may be an even more useful image for engaging the vision. On the road toward reconciliation and healing, we move around corners and double back into quadrants we have visited before, each time discovering new revelation and challenge. There is no single path for every person or even every Episcopalian. People will draw on different resources and experiences and come to diverse answers to similar questions. At the same time, we hope you find it energizing to take up this common spiritual practice of walking and reflection. Transformation may run deeper and broader if/when we pool our wisdom and resources as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.
Telling the Truth
- Who are we?
- What things have we done and left undone regarding racial justice and healing?
Proclaiming the Dream
- How can we publicly acknowledge things done and left undone?
- What does Beloved Community look like in this place?
- What behaviors and commitments will foster reconciliation, justice, and healing?
Practicing the Way of Love
- How will we grow as reconcilers, healers, and justice-bearers?
- How will we actively grow relationship across dividing walls and seek Christ in the other?
Repairing the Breach
- What institutions and systems are broken?
- How will we participate in repair, restoration, and healing of people, institutions, and systems?
DOWNLOAD resources:
Becoming_Beloved_Community_Summary – 2 pg. overview
Becoming Beloved Community…Where You Are — 8 pg. resource for individuals, congregations & communities seeking racial healing, reconciliation and justice
becoming_beloved_community_vision — 23 pg. outline of the vision and program
Beloved_Community_Advent_Resource_2018 — 10 pg Advent Resource