
Episcopal Charities…because together we can do so much more!

Since 1952, Episcopal Charities has been bringing hope to those in our communities who need our help. Through the gifts of our donors, we support ministries and agencies working with our churches to provide basic human needs of food, shelter, and healthcare to those who go without them, particularly at-risk children and at-risk seniors.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.  -Matthew 23:40

Our Funds:

Episcopal Charities Annual Grants: provide sustaining grants for nonprofit agencies who work with out congregations to meet needs in their local communities.

Charities NOW: provides small emergency grants that go out the door quickly to support feeding ministries in our churches and nonprofit agencies that partner with our churches to serve our neighbors.


Through church and community-based food pantries and meal sites, together we provide food for our neighbors who are food insecure.


Through grants to community-based agencies that provide shelter to those who are homeless and basic furniture for those who are newly housed, together we support security and safety for families and seniors.


Through grants to free clinics and counseling centers that provide basic healthcare and mental health counseling to at-risk children and seniors who cannot afford help. Together we help those who go without basic care.



Do you know?

Together, we help over 50,000 at-risk children and seniors each year!

DONATE using Vanco


To Mail your Gift: Send your check to Episcopal Charities, 275 North Main St, Providence RI 02903. Please indicate if you are giving to the Episcopal Charities Annual Fund, or to Charities NOW.

TO RECEIVE AN ANNUAL GRANT: The Episcopal Charities Annual Grant Application period runs between May 1st and June 30th. Throughout the summer and fall, Charities volunteers read the applications and make site visits to many of the agencies.  The grants are awarded in December of each year.  The application and information about the application process can be found here.

For more information, contact Betsy Fornal at charities@episcopalri.org
