We invite you to explore our diocesan ministries:
Our Camp@ECC provides summer camping programs for children and youth.
The Conference Center (ECC) is available for retreats, meetings, weddings and events.
A variety of Children & Youth Ministries are offered by the diocese.
The Way of Love page introduces this major initiative of the diocese and Episcopal Church and points you to more information, books and programs in the FIND A RESOURCE section.
Episcopal Charities solicits funds and provides grants to programs and agencies that serve those in need, children, youth and the elderly.
College & Young Adults are served through college chaplaincies and our new young adult ministry.
Hispanic Ministries includes an education program for laity who will serve in our congregations and help expand our reach to other Spanish speaking community members.
The Center for Reconciliation helps program participants learn about the history of slavery, the slave trade and it legacies. Its mission is to equip people for the practice of racial reconciliation.