From June 23 to 28, Bishop Knisely, together with Rhode Island deputies and alternates elected by diocesan convention, will attend the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. While General Convention is usually held once every three years, the previous General Convention was held just two years ago, postponed by one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s meeting returns the church to its usual calendar.
General Convention functions through legislative committees, and for this convention, Bishop Knisely has been appointed secretary of the House of Bishops Committee on the Title IV Disciplinary Canons. Several Rhode Island deputies have also been named to legislative committees:
- Deputy Scott Avedisian: House of Deputies Committee on the Dispatch of Business
- Deputy Laura Clarke: House of Deputies Committee on Safety, Wellness and Mental Health
- Deputy Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew: House of Deputies Committee on Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives
- Deputy Dante Tavolaro: House of Deputies Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music
Legislative committees will consider a variety of resolutions about the Episcopal Church’s polity, positions on social justice issues, and Constitution and Canons. Many of those resolutions have been submitted by commissions, task forces, and other interim bodies that have worked in the last two years to consider issues of importance to the church. Read their reports, find a list of upcoming online legislative committee meetings, and register to attend.
General Convention will also adopt a churchwide budget for 2025-2027 and elect leaders to several churchwide board, agencies, and other bodies. One highlight of this summer’s convention will be the election and confirmation of the 28th presiding bishop, which is scheduled to take place on June 26. Learn more.
To receive regular updates about General Convention, register for the General Convention Office newsletter.
–Sophie Kitch-Peck, Canticle Communications