On one of the busiest intersections of Aquidneck Island is the Church of the Holy Cross. A stop sign and red light provide passersby with a brief meditation opportunity. Next door to McDonald’s, across the street from Stop and Shop and “where Benny’s used to be,” our architectural gem of a building and artfully designed grounds draw the eye, heart and attention from our routine agenda to loftier thoughts.
Inside is a community characterized by generosity, joyfulness, humility, humor, care for one another and a deep desire to follow Jesus. It is a good place to find yourself and your calling. Through year-round Blessing Bags for the homeless and Operation Turkey Sandwich for police, fire and pharmacy workers on Thanksgiving Day, we move outside the walls locally — and through support of Episcopal Charities and Episcopal Relief & Development reach further into God’s needy world. Those who say as they pass by a small church on a corner: “Someday I need to go inside” and actually do so not expecting much, find a happy surprise: Holy Cross is much larger in Spirit than in space.
Church of the Holy Cross, 1439 West Main Road, Middletown; 401-846-7076; the Rev. Marsue Harris, priest-in-charge; Bishop’s visitation February 9. website