XYZ Church is committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability or veteran status. XYZ Church’s policy regarding equal employment opportunity applies to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, job assignments, promotions, working conditions, scheduling, benefits, wage and salary administration, disciplinary action, termination, and social, educational and recreational programs. Except where the position could affect or relate to the religious principles or doctrines of the Episcopal Church, parishes will adhere to a policy of equal opportunity without regard to religious beliefs. XYZ Church will not tolerate any form of discrimination and the expectation is that all employees will cooperate fully in implementing this policy. If an employee believes there has been a violation of the policies on discrimination, immediate reporting to the Rector and/or appropriate person at XYZ Church is necessary.
(template only — adapt for your church)