Dear friends,
This year, as we gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with our families and friends, it is hard not to be concerned about the news of war and alarm that is dominating the media. And yet, we have much for which we our thankful. Jesus taught us that the greatest act we can do to build a strong community – one that will not have to fear violence or attack – is to love and serve one another. When we do that, we build walls of relationship and support that no one will ever be able to destroy.
The simple of act of sitting down to a meal, inviting those who have less to join us, bowing our heads in a prayer of thanks, and then reconnecting our lives with each other is exactly the right response to the news of the day.
Wherever it is that you are gathering for a Thanksgiving meal, whether in your home, a shelter, a restaurant or in your travels, may you find your relationships with others renewed and strengthened, and may God bless you in the moment of you share.
Thanksgiving Prayer:
Blessed are you Lord God, you shower us with the goodness of creation at this table today. Thank you for all whose labor has made this moment possible, for those who toiled to grow the food we are about to eat, for those who worked to provide it and those who prepared it. In this moment as we gather, strengthen our relationships and bring the spirit of love to this place. Keep us ever mindful of the stranger who needs us and those whom you would have us serve. We ask this all in the name of Jesus our Lord.