We Are the Church
As we are unable to attend worship services in person, here are a few suggestions for worshiping at home.
- The Book of Common Prayer is here. A PDF version. In Spanish.
- https://www.forwardmovement.org/Pages/Item/12306/Podcast.aspx Podcast and prayer links
- Also from Forward Movement
- https://amato.podbean.com/ A Morning at the Office – Morning Prayer
- http://lectionarypage.net/ Daily Readings
- https://www.missionstclare.com/ Morning and Evening Prayer, in English and Spanish
- A variety of resources is available to order or download from Church Publishing.
If you are looking for information regarding putting your congregation’s service online, start here. There are additional resources here, and here. Regarding the use of music online: OneLicense. A list of hymns available under public domain is here. Additional information regarding copyright is here.
The National Cathedral in Washington, DC will be live Sundays at 11:15 am.
Most congregations are holding worship services in person and online, please contact the parishes directly to learn more about their specific offerings. Search for a church in your area here.