Come and See our Keynote speaker Emily Keniston, Director of Faith Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, talk to us about finding God after the Pandemic. Streaming on St. John’s in Barrington YouTube Channel starts at 9am on Saturday, March 18th. Click here to access stream:
Eucharistic Visitor
Thrift Shop Ministry
Several Episcopal churches in the diocese have thrift shops. While there are different purposes and audiences for these shops, they all have a focus on ministry. Some sell higher priced goods with an eye towards raising money — most of which is given to outreach projects. Others sell inexpensive good and serve people who otherwise can not afford to buy new items. And several of our thrift shops recognize that fellowship is an important part of their ministry.
- St. Mary’s, East Providence, for example, relocated their thrift shop and deliberately set up an area where people can sit and chat because they found that several older adults came regularly, as much for the company as anything else.
- Other thrift shops “pass along” items that have been in stock for awhile. San Jorge, in Central Falls and St. James, in Woonsocket are two churches that value receiving these pass-along contributions and they probably serve the poorest populations. San Jorge doesn’t have a thrift shop, but if you coordinate with them, they host a yard sale with the good you need to rotate out of your shop. St. James has a thrift shop that works in close collaboration with an agency that screens and refers clients to them.
How might your thrift shop enhance it’s ministry?
Visit some of the other thrift stores in the state — they will be glad to share their experience or help you start a store. St. Martin’s team has assembled a brochure that lists all of the Episcopal thrift stores. DOWNLOAD Thrift Shop Brochure to print copies to distribute in your store and/or church.
Church Periodical Club
The ministry of the Church Periodical Club (CPC) is to provide books, magazines, tapes, videos and computer programs free to those who cannot otherwise obtain them. Several of our congregations have received grants to cover the cost of Prayer Books, Hymnals, etc. Individuals and congregations can be members of the CPC to help raise funds to support its mission. We have both a Provincial and Diocesan representative. Each year the Presiding Bishop designates one Sunday in the year (designates a Sunday, usually the first Sunday of May) for the observance of the work of spreading the Christian message through the Printed Word
Miles of Pennies
The Miles of Pennies Fund was established in 1988 on the 100th anniversary of The Church Periodical Club. The Miles of Pennies Fund Committee awarded its first grants in 1991. The maximum grant given by Miles of Pennies is $844.80 which represents one mile of pennies. The grants serve the needs of children from kindergarten through high school wherever there is a need.
Who may apply for a Miles of Pennies (M.O.P.) Grant?
Any organization, church or individual affiliated with the Anglican Communion may apply. For example: Christian Education Classes, Camps, VBS, Libraries, Tutor after school class, Happenings, Jr. DOK, Youth Ministry.
Tell us why is a grant needed.
A description of the on-going or new program or project for children and its relationship to the church and/or community, including an approximate number and the ages of the children involved, determines the need.
What can a grant be requested for?
1. Books, workbooks, manuals, videos, CD’s or audio-visual materials
2. Shipping and Handling costs of recycled books
Materials may be religious or secular but MUST be for children. (Pre-school thru High School Age)
The maximum amount of money requested may NOT exceed 1 Mile of Pennies – $844.80
To learn more visit:
Episcopal Church Women
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is an organization within the Episcopal Church that “empowers women to do Christ’s ministry in the world.” The National ECW was formed in 1871 and here in Rhode Island we have a local ECW chapter that is also a member of the Province One ECW.
Grants and Scholarships
Here are the ways the ECW of RI aids and supports the missions and ministries of women:
United Thank Offering: The ECW sponsors the Episcopal Church’s United Thank Offering (UTO) in Rhode Island, by providing an ingathering event twice a year.
Scholarships: The ECW provides scholarships to help women who are advancing their education. Click here to apply.
Grants to Non-profits: The National Episcopal Church Women (ECW) provides grants to missions that serve women and girls. Click here to apply. Please specify the nature and purpose of the organization. Be sure to explain specific projects being undertaken that need funding.
Hospitality The ECW assists with hospitality at Diocesan Convention and other events.
Contact us
Correspondence and donations may be sent to us at: Episcopal Church Women, The Diocese of Rhode Island, 275 North Main St, Providence RI 02903. Donations should be sent to the attention of the Treasurer. Please specify in the memo line whether your check is to go towards ECW funds or United Thank Offering.
National Episcopal Church Women
Mission – We are Episcopal Church Women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold a variety of views. However, the common denominator of our members is love of God and the wish to do His work.
Vision – Our vision for all women of the Episcopal Church is that we become a vibrant blend of all ages, coming together as a peacemaking, healing part of the Church. We aspire to be a Godspark – shining and sharing the love of Christ.