TENS -The Episcopal Network for Stewardship

When Jesus tells the parable of the unproductive fig tree, it is told as a conversation between a man, perhaps the landowner, and the gardener, the one who tends the land. The man observes that the fig tree has not born fruit for the last three years, and, worrying about the nutrients, land, and time the tree is consuming, he orders it to be cut down and destroyed.

The gardener, however, has a different relationship with the tree, even though it is slow to fruit, he sees potential, or at least hopes that next year it will bear fruit. He makes his best case, asking for one more year to nurture it, he buys some time for the tree to make sweet figs.

Sometimes we are like this tree, we need a little time, a little intention, a little intervention to produce at our highest level. Other times, we are like the tree planted by a stream in Jeremiah’s prophecy, that will not wither even in years of drought. We show our tenacity, resilience by staying where we are rooted year after year, no matter the conditions.

Being rooted in abundance is about being certain, steadfast in our knowledge that we have enough to share with a world in need. It is about doing the hard work of knowing ourselves so that we can know how to help others. It is about putting all of our resources together to support the mission of the church – our wealth, works, and our wisdom. However, you encounter the needs of the world this year, know that you are supported by your community, resilient in your creative problem-solving, and rooted in abundance.

All Good Gifts,

Cn. J. Davey Gerhard III

Executive Director

The theme for our 2023 Stewardship Campaign Resources is Rooted in Abundance. Your new password to access the resources for 2023 is Jeremiah17:8

Click here to access the Episcopal Stewardship Campaign Resources

Please note, the password is case sensitive and there are no spaces.

TENS relies on you, our diocesan contacts, to distribute the password and links to our resources to all of your congregations so that they may take the best advantage of all we have.

You may download all the seasonal reflections and the campaign timeline in English and in Spanish on our website.




Mustard Seed and Vinyard Grants

The following projects have all been aided by grants from the Congregational Development Commission.

Food Pantry Outreach Project at St. Peter’s & St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Contact: The Rev. Maryalice Sullivan, Vicar (revmas90@gmail.com)
CDC Grant award: $8,300

Goal: To make more use of church basement as the church expands its outreach offerings

As St. Peter’s & St. Andrew’s seeks to use their parish house as a Center of Hope, they continue to look forward to future community needs. Currently, they have the Food Pantry which serves about 60 families/week. They also served as a COVID testing and vaccination site and have a pop-up thrift store. Other outreach needs being addressed include:

  • a job fair for the community
  • working with Brown University through the Free program to provide much needed feminine products for women and school aged girls
  • ESL and citizenship classes – the two largest requests from the community

The mold has been remediated from our basement and it does smell oh so much better. The grant we received from the Diocese covered all but four hundred dollars of the total cost. The next step is to get the gutters fixed to redirect the water away from the building.  We will also have to have the parts of the basement wall repair where the water has been leaking in, probably for years, and we need a sump pump to make sure this does not happen in the future.  When this work is done we can begin to think about what we want our basement to look like and how do we accomplish that. They were able to save the sub floor which should save some money as we move forward. 

Festival of the Resurrection: Hope, Healing & Hallelujah. St. Paul’s Pawtucket.

Contact: Rev. Jo-ann Drake or Ted Platt, office@stpaulspawtucket.org, 401-728-4300

Goals: “The season of Easter, which lasts 50 days, is the time the Church gives continuous thanks for God’s unfailing love and mercy,” said The Rev. Greta Getlein, Vicar of St. Paul’s. “As part of our celebrations:

  • we must consider how we share the gifts given us;
  • how we engage with our communities;
  • and how we participate in the important conversations of our day.

This festival is an opportunity for St. Paul’s to do all of the above in partnership with this city.”

The 2018 Festival of the Resurrection took place from Sunday, April 22, through Sunday, April 29, as an opportunity for Rhode Islanders to continue joyously celebrating Easter long after the traditional festive worship services on Easter Day. Each day of the festival featured a special event, starting with “Bach, Buxtehude and Beyond,” an organ recital at 3 p.m. on April 22. Events include and evening of dance and music with “Dynamite Rhythm”, a presentation by Creative Outreach About Addiction Support Together, a conversation “Art of Befriending Seniors”, a Tai Chi workshop on spiritual fitness followed by a Mass for Healing, and a solo dramatic performance of the Gospel of Mark. The festival concluded with “For God Has Done Marvelous Things,” an artistic tapestry of poetry, dance, readings, prayer, choir and organ around the great hymns of Easter.

Impact: From Rev Greta Getlein (July 2021): “I would say it was a short-term success in that it got lots of members of the parish involved welcoming strangers in.”

Icons and Song – Windows into Russian Culture and Prayer. All Saints’ Memorial Church, Providence

Contact: Rev. Julie Hanavan revjulhan@gmail.com

Amount funded by CDC: $1,300
Amount funded by All Saints’: $1,775

Goals: Expand upon an annual concert hosted by All Saints (sacred Russian Orthodox music) to include an exhibition of Russian Icons from the Museum of Russian Icons traveling collections.
Invite the public to spend an afternoon at All Saints’ to experience beautiful sacred music from Russia, meet a Russian a capella group, view Russian Orthodox and Ethiopian Christian icons dating to 1580, and learn about the creation, meaning, and roles of icons in personal/family prayer and liturgy.
Further the vision statement of All Saints’ as “a visible and known beacon that engages people in their spiritual journeys and nurtures their mind and souls.”

Description: More than 100 persons attended the event on September 14, 2019, many of whom had never been inside All Saints’. Ms. Garrity-Arquitt, from the Museum, was present throughout the exhibition period to answer individual questions; she also answered many thoughtful questions from the audience at the conclusion of her presentation. Her presentation was complemented by sacred Russian Orthodox music presented by LYRA, with accompanying commentary by its leader, Mr. Sergey Tupitsyn. The group, composed of four professional musicians from St. Petersburg, also sang entertaining Russian folk songs. Attendees enjoyed a delicious reception of savories and desserts prepared by the All Saints’ Arts Ministry.

The Icons and Song program was a unique combination of sacred art and music, and culture that appealed to a wide range of visitors. Many attendees had never been to All Saints’ before and commented on the beauty of the sacred space as well as the music and icons. The program did indeed engage spiritual journeys, and nurtured mind and soul.

Open Hands, Open Hearts. Trinity Church, Scituate

Contact: Jill Shurtleff, jshurtl@gmail.com
(currently not occurring due to COVID, but will resume when it is safe to do so.)

Goal(s): To develop an inviting, inclusive worship service for families with special abilities children, to share this ministry with other churches interested in starting a similar service, and assist those congregations in setting up similar services.

Open Hands, Open Hearts is a worship service for families with special needs in a judgment-free gathering place. The service includes music and movement, prayers, a lesson, and an opportunity for Eucharist and/or a blessing. Our Open Hands, Open Hearts worship space contains a quiet area for those who need a safe zone or a break.  It also features comfortable alternative seating, including “wiggle seats,” bean bag chairs, and floor mats.

Pilgrim Course Bible Study Project. Church of the Epiphany, Rumford, RI

Contact: The Rev. Jennifer Zogg, Rector (revjen@epiphanyep.org)

CDC Grant award: $2,000

Goal of Project: To deepen our spiritual formation as a congregation by engaging in an all-parish study on basic Christianity and discipleship called the Pilgrim course from Church Publishing, and to strengthen our spiritual foundation in order to engage better in outreach, stewardship, etc., and build new leaders in the parish for future ministries.

The congregation was gathered in one united study (Sunday mornings at 9:15am in small and large group formats) for inter-generational learning (youth ages 9-13+ were included) Next, we would like to provide a course for new members, those desiring adult baptism/confirmation/reception, and those who have been long-time members to deepen and renew their faith

The Blackstone Valley Deanery- Quiet Day. Christ Church, Lincoln R.I.

Contact: The Reverend Beth Sherman, vicarbethstaugustines@gmail.com

Amount funded by CDC: $1000

The Quiet day in Advent provided 15 or so people (both lay and clergy) with a reflective and meditative experience during one of the most chaotic and busiest seasons of the church year, Advent. Participants found the quiet day healing and energizing, allowing them to slow down and “be present.” The day began at 8:30 am and end at about 2 pm. During the “Quiet day,” there was a good deal of scheduled and unscheduled time. The scheduled time began with three (3) periods of reflection led by the Reverend Beth Sherman. After the planned “reflection time, participants were allowed to journal during an unscheduled time. A good indication of success is the desire and hope held by participants that future “quiet days” would be supported by the diocese as a whole.

Lay Worship Leaders

Diocesan Guidelines for Licensed Worship Leaders

According to Title III, Canon 4 of The Constitution and Canons of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, 2018 Of Licensed Ministries:

Sec. 1
A confirmed communicant in good standing or, in extraordinary circumstances, subject to guidelines established by the Bishop, a communicant in good standing, may be licensed by the Ecclesiastical Authority to serve as Pastoral Leader, Worship Leader, Preacher, Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, Evangelist, or Catechist.

Sec. 2
The Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith may request the Ecclesiastical Authority with jurisdiction to license persons within that congregation or other community of faith to exercise such ministries. The license shall be issued for a period of time to be determined under Canon III.4.1(a) and may be renewed.

Sec. 4
A Worship Leader is a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other faith community.

Steps for Licensing:

  1. Letter of recommendation by Rector/PIC/Vicar
  2. Application – Licensed Lay Ministries
  3. Bexley Seabury Seminary Worship Leader Training Registration
  4. Safe Church Training Modules for Worship Leader
  5. Background Check – Active Screening Faith

Once these steps are completed, please submit application with supporting materials to maryann@episcopalri.org

The diocese will reimburse $150.00 half of the cost of the $300.00 Bexley Seabury Worship Leader class-please submit receipt to maryann@episcopalri.org 

Licensed Worship Leaders are not paid, and the Bishop prefers that they serve as Worship Leaders only in their own congregation.

The Bishop will license a lay person at the request of the priest in charge. In order to be considered for licensing, a lay person must be a confirmed communicant in good standing. The license is issued for three years and may require additional training before renewal. Lay worship leader applicants are asked to complete the training offered by Bexley-Seabury Seminary, the details of which will be found here. The Diocese will contribute to the required tuition, with the remainder to be split between the parish and applicant.

A licensed Worship Leader may read a sermon from Sermons that Work, the approved resource for The Episcopal Church, https://www.episcopalchurch.org/sermons-that-work/,  a sermon from a resource that has been approved by their priest, or occasionally offer a personal reflection approved by their priest.  Only a licensed Preacher may compose their own sermon and preach regularly in public worship, and the process to prepare for that ministry may be found here https://www.episcopalri.org/lay-preacher/


Bexley-Seabury Offerings

The Diocese of Rhode Island, as part of Province I, has partnered with Bexley-Seabury Seminary to offer Pathways for Baptismal Living. Currently there are two courses we bring to your attention:

Backstory Preaching’s Sermon Camp

Over the course of seven weeks, you will learn an adaptable rhythm of sermon preparation so you routinely complete your sermons by Friday. This rhythm incorporates your spirituality so you preach Good News you believe, and preach it more effectively. This process of studying the sermon text is adapted from the ancient rhythm of Lectio Divina: read, study, express, and pray. While you will learn to employ this process over five contiguous days, it is expected you will adapt this process and schedule to suit your personality and calendar. In addition, you will learn and apply BsP’s “Heart of the Message” process to clarify and articulate your sermon’s message and content. You will also appraise sermons based on BsP’s definition of an effective sermon, with two sermons of your own and two of your peers. By the end of this course you will:

  1. Write better sermons faster
  2. Consistently complete your sermons on your desired schedule.
  3. Grow closer to God in the process of sermon prep.
  4. Create a sermon prep process to sustain you throughout your ministry.
  5. Preach into the uncertain state of the world.

This course is for those preparing for a Lay Preaching License and is meant for those who have gone through Education for Ministry, or taken the pre-requisite courses. Additional information on this course is here. If you are interested in becoming a Licensed Lay Preacher or Minister, please begin here.

More information and registration for Bexley Seabury courses is found here.

Discerning my path for faithful living

More than a course, this innovative communal process invites participants into a time of deep listening, practice of ancient and modern spiritual disciplines, and insights offered and received regarding individual gifts and passions — all within a brave/safe circle of trust. In addition to monthly synchronous Zoom meetings in small groups of 6-8 with a trained facilitator, participants will engage classic and current texts, videos and articles on discernment, spiritual practices, and the ministry of the baptized. Our journey together will be enriched with activities for self-reflection, guided conversations with others, and exploration of our own contexts. Our goal is to encourage each person to practice discernment of their call as a baptized Christian and equip them to actively be the Body of Christ in daily life.

This discernment process is meant to assist persons in finding their lay vocational ministry; it is not intended as a step towards ordained ministry.

More info here.

You can watch informational videos from the Instructor, and past participants.

Complete this online form.

The Diocese of Rhode Island is offering to pay $100.00 towards each tuition; it is expected that the participant and their parish will make up the difference. There is scholarship funding available, based on need.

Other formational opportunities with Bexley-Seabury will be coming. Please stay tuned.

Susan Beaumont Webinar

How do we lead when we don’t know where we’re going?

How do you lead an organization stuck between an ending and a new beginning—when the old way of doing things no longer works but a way forward is not yet clear? The Rev. Susan Beaumont calls such in-between times liminal seasons—threshold times when the continuity of tradition disintegrates and uncertainty about the future fuels doubt and chaos. In a liminal season it simply is not helpful to pretend we understand what needs to happen next. But leaders can still lead.

Join us for a workshop to explore the ways that leaders can navigate these difficult times. Tuesday, January 12 and Thursday, January 14, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, via Zoom. Register at Eventbrite.

You should prepare for this workshop by reading Susan’s book: “How to Lead When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going”. This can be ordered directly from the publisher. ORDER. Use promo code RLFANDF30 to get 30% off list price. Or, you may order on Amazon. The ebook may also be purchased from Google Play. (There is scholarship money available to help defray the cost of the book, for those in need. Please speak to your clergy for details.)

Even if you cannot attend due to scheduling conflicts, you are encouraged to register. The event will be recorded, and that recording made available to registrants only.

The Rev. Susan Beaumont is a consultant, coach, author and spiritual director. Before establishing her own practice, Susan worked for nine years as a Senior Consultant with the Alban Institute. Susan has also served on the faculty of two business schools, teaching graduate level courses in leadership, management and organizational behavior. She has corporate experience in human resource management and organizational development. She currently teaches at Wesley Theological Seminary. susanbeaumont.com



ECC Community Spotlight

Dr. Robert Power
Newport School Committee
2013 – 2015

“My time at ECC certainly impacted my work in schools and on the School Committee. When I went to camp I learned about what it really meant to be in Christian community – more than just church on Sunday. I learned that how you treat people matters, and how important it was to make sure that everyone was doing ok. If my camper was having a good time, I was having a good time.
I took that mentality into my work in schools with my work on the School Committee and in my role as Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. I wanted to give everyone the chance to succeed, even if people thought they couldn’t do it. It was also important to me to be able to work well with lots of different people to find common ground so we could get things done.
Now that I’m retired, I’m spending my time raising money for public schools so they have endowments for technology.”

Jasmine Smith, right.

Jasmine Smith
Finance Coordinator at Spanberger for Congress
Virginia 2020

“Last campaign cycle, I worked on a local House of Delegates race for Juanita Jo Matkins as an an intern and was promoted to the position of finance director. After working full time as the finance director and going to school full time simultaneously, I said “I am never working on another campaign unless it’s for Abigail Spanberger.”

I’ve always admired Abigail from the first day I researched her. She first started her career in law enforcement, working in narcotics and money laundering cases for the US Postal Inspection Service. Abigail then moved on to serve her country in the CIA as a case officer, and after running for Congress, she made history with being the first Democrat elected to her seat since 1968 and the first woman to ever serve this district. And right now, I’m sitting in our office, writing this blurb after ending our last fundraising quarter last night. Sometimes I can’t believe it.

I was a very shy child, I didn’t speak unless spoken to. ECC has given me the ability to thrive and speak my mind in any situation, because of camp’s acceptance of anyone from any background. Camp has given me so many useful tools that I use every single day in my life. The most important & impactful, is the meaning of hard work. Work projects at camp are what make camp well… Camp! Cutting down trees, painting cabins, and cleaning all make camp the place we all know and love; and when you see your hard work after a work project, it’s a reminder of a job well done. While we do not have the results of the elections, working hard on Abigail’s campaign and seeing her work in Congress for her constituents and the nation is, in a way, like a work project.

If you work really hard, you get to see the amazing end result. The result in this case being, a Congresswoman that works hard for the American people. Abigail is the 5th most bipartisan House member, and works hard with people from across the aisle to deliver real legislation that helps everyone, regardless of their political affiliation. I am so thankful, and so grateful, to work for someone like her.

So, thank you ECC. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and helping me become the person I am today. I will be eternally grateful for the experience I had at ECC, because it gave me the tools I need to help re-elect my Congresswoman and my role model.”

Heather MatsonHeather Matson
State Representative of Iowa House District 38
Elected in 2018

“From 1983-1994, I spent part or all of my summers at ECC as a camper and then as a counselor. There are countless ways ECC impacted my life, not the least of which are lifelong friendships. When I reflect on my time at camp and how it informed my life, I always come back to the idea that no matter what, you pitched in.

It never occurred to me that attending “work camp” might be unusual because why wouldn’t I want to clear brush and paint cabins if I was doing it with my friends? We were taught how to get the job done and how to share our gifts with each other, and part of the fun was always a sense of accomplishment. I think most counselors learn how to be leaders at camp, but the extra special thing about ECC is that my experience also taught me how to be vulnerable in the best sense of the word; that I could try something new or put my ideas out into the group without judgement. I believe that leadership – especially political negotiating – requires a hint of vulnerability to put yourself out on the line to get big things done. There was, and still is, a feeling of a greater good at ECC, of finding ways to make our corner of the world a little bit of a better place than we found it. To me, that’s the essence of public service and it’s what I try to accomplish in my community and as a legislator.”

Emily HarrisonEmily Harrison
Volunteer Poll Worker
Lincoln, RI 2020

Spoiler: Emily is not an alumni. In fact, she is isn’t quite yet voting age either. She IS, however, pre-registered and able to provide us with a great example of how to get involved and take action, beyond just casting your ballot.

“After attending this sacred and unusual summer camp my whole life, it took me the longest time to figure out why I kept wanting to come back (not just because every single person in my family goes religiously – pun intended). I couldn’t place why it was so special to me, but I knew I shouldn’t take the time spent on that property for granted. I can look back and see that because I was being loved and supported by the ECC community, it gave me permission to put in the work to really find myself.

My major interest in public service, or just helping people in general, came from my participation in City Camp Woonsocket and Bridge Camp. There’s something about serving others that I can’t really put into words, but I know it makes me happy to be able to help other people enjoy a camp experience. Seeing the positive impact that you can have on someone’s life, no matter how small, is something I hold very dear. These moments of impact from my time at camp have been the key inspiration that led me to want to work at the polls. Helping to make the experience of a voter a little bit more positive, can be my way of bringing the same love and support that camp showed me, out into the world.

Thanks to ECC, I know my time at the polls this year will be the first of many!”

Megan Birch-McMichaelMegan Birch-McMichael
Elected to Board of Selectman
Stow, MA 2020

“It’s actually hard to put into words how being at ECC impacted my desire to get involved in public service. For me, as for many, ECC was a completely formative experience. I started attending at 12 years old, as a Junior Work camp camper (begrudgingly at first…what 12 year old is excited about going to a camp where you also have to like, clear a path or scrape and paint buildings?) While my friends were spending endless days at the beach, I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and having to go to church twice a day.

But that’s the strange and magical thing about ECC, really. The impact that one week of work camp had on the rest of my life is immeasurable. I kept coming back to camp and then eventually became a counselor and young adult staff. From there, I spent a year working at City Year in Providence and as a young adult volunteered for anything and everything that I could in my spare time. I worked for a non-profit in DC for close to a decade, where I met my husband and had two children.

After I became a parent, and we moved to MA, I got involved with the food pantry in our town as well as the PTO at my children’s school. I live in a small town, and when there was an opportunity to get involved with our local Planning Board, I volunteered to step in. I spent 2 years as an associate member and then, with the support of lots of people in my town, I decided to run for the Select Board and was elected to a three year term in June 2020. For those of you not in MA, the Select Board is a group of 5 elected individuals who serve as the policy making body in town; it’s sort of like a city council in RI.

Service to one’s community is ingrained so deeply inside of myself, when I thought about why I do what I do, it really all comes down to my time spent at ECC. It’s the tenet of “Love your neighbor” that is a guiding principle.”

In addition to her civic work, Megan is a published writer. Read her article published in the New York Times this week here: https://www.nytimes.com/…/family/foster-parents.html…

Special Convention 2020


Our Special Convention was convened on November 7, 2020, beginning at 9:00 AM via Zoom video conference. You may see a recording of the meeting and view documents on this page.


Agenda    Resolutions 2018 Gen. Convention  Memo for Amended Rules of Order   Amended Rules of Order     2021 Budget    Nominations for Standing Committee     Transcript of the Bishop’s Address

Thank you Video – I See You

Getting your service Online

Paraphrasing from a webinar: Online is not the backdoor to worship anymore. It is the front door for many newcomers, and a sidedoor for the faithful (those homebound, and those away from home). This pandemic forced us into online worship that many of us were not prepared for or enthusiastic about but, having made it over the initial hurdle we now find ourselves equipped with new tools for spreading the Word. Let’s make use of these tools to the best of our abilities.

If you have questions, or answers about online ministry, we have formed a user group. Email our Director of Communications, Kristin Knudson-Groh, to join. kristin@episcopalri.org

We had a great forum led by Jeremy Tackett, Digital Evangelist for the Episcopal Church. You may watch a recording of the evening here. His slide deck is here. He gave us a good deal of hands-on information about equipment and things to consider.

Below are some resources for instruction, for equipment, for software, for platforms. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and not necessarily meant to endorse any particular products or services. And please remember, whatever works best for your community is enough! Be true to yourself and your priorities; you do not have to do everything, or buy all the toys.

Suggestions for what equipment and software you might need for starting to record or livestream your services:

Recommendations from the field:  

  • “EpocCam that lets you use your phone as a webcam with either Mac or PC.  This is a huge benefit because for $8 I can use the 1080 on my phone rather than the 780 on my laptop”
  • “I am really pleased with eCamm.live.  It’s quite like OBS, but much more integrated and robust (also, not free, but you get what you pay for!).  One of the issues we had with OBS was a considerable visual delay between hitting “Go Live” and the screen saying we were live (though on FB we had been live during the delay…awkward!).  In any case, eCamm is so much smoother and works directly with Facebook, YouTube, and a bunch of others.

What other tools can I use for videos or livestreams?

  • The Diocese has been using Vimeo to host our videos and push them out to social media.
  • https://streamyard.com/ is another platform for livestreaming and pushing to social media.

Music Licensing
One License: If you would like use music in any of your streaming services, you must have a streaming license. One License is the most comprehensive source for titles found in the 1982 Hymnal, and they have an arrangement with Church Publishing Incorporated. If you would like assistance with your streaming license, please contact Mary Ann Mello. The Congregational Development Commission is making grants available to help defray the cost of this additional license. Apply here.

Public Domain: There are a number of hymns in the public domain that can be used during your live-stream with no license. Please check the list of public domain hymns here http://www.hymnsuntogod.org/Hymns-PD/ZZ-CompletePDHymnList.html before moving forward with individual songs.

Another information source – https://caffeinated-church.squarespace.com/streaming-content-licenses

Additional considerations:

Internet signal. Do you have the bandwith or signal strength that you need, or will need? We’ve all been figuring out that what’s worked fine in the office may be lousy in the chancel. Rambling buildings and stone walls are not helping the signal from your router. It may be time to investigate wifi extenders, or to contact your provider about an upgrade.

Who is doing this? You should expand the number of people involved in your online ministry. Who can run the camera? Who can be the Zoom usher? Who is editing the recordings, who is producing the feeds?

Welcome. How do you reach out to your digital audience to include them into your community?

We’re all trying to sort this out. Below are some resources that other dioceses have put together. Not all of the information may fit us here, but there are helpful elements.

https://ecww.org/live-streaming-resources-for-churches/ Diocese of Western Washington

https://episcopalcolorado.org/connected-in-common/ Diocese of Colorado

https://www.churchofengland.org/digital-labs/labs-learning-blog/labs-learning-blogs Church of England



Congregational Renewal Resources

Congregational Renewal Resources

Tuesdays at 2 (EST) conversations are offered to support lay and ordained leaders as they reengage their communities and connect with resources to help get them moving. Through conversation with other leaders, they can hear the voice of the Spirit, gain courage and resources to try new things and learn values and practices that propel them forward. The Tuesdays at 2 (EST) conversations will help them discern next steps – one of which might eventually be joining a Coached Small Group or the church-wide Practicing Community.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/888550363

Organized by The Rev. Thomas Brackett, Manager for Church Planting and Mission Development,
Presiding Bishop’s Staff, The Episcopal Church

From a recent conversation: Microstrategy