Clergy Compensation and Benefits

Each fall the Diocesan Council approves the Clergy Salary and Benefits Minimum Requirements for the coming year. Congregations are required to meet these minimums at the beginning of a priest’s tenure but may, of course, offer more than the minimum. Congregations are expected to provide a minimum 2.5% raise annually.

The Diocesan Council has set the mandated clergy compensation and benefits for 2024. For this year, we will use the same criteria for defining church types as we did for the past year until further information is available form the National Church. Diocesan Council has asked the Compensation and Benefits Committee to continue to hold conversations about what criteria to use to classify our churches in the future.

Download Clergy Compensation & Benefits:

2025 Clergy-Compensation-guide

2025 Clergy-Compensation-and-Benefit-Rates by church

Diocesan Health Dental Rates 2025

Housing Allowance Memo 2025


 The employee contribution is 17% for both clergy and lay persons. We will continue to look for ways to maintain quality health coverage options which do not overburden parishes or clergy with undue costs. If a parish has a clergy spouse who is Medicare eligible, please contact Joan DeCelles at Diocesan House for possible alternatives.