Ordination as a Deacon

Deacons are members of one of three distinct orders of ordained ministry (with bishops and presbyters). In the Episcopal Church a deacon exercises “a special ministry of servanthood” directly under the deacon’s bishop, serving all people and especially those in need (BCP, p. 543). This definition reflects the practice of the early church, in which deacons were ordained “not to the priesthood but to the servanthood [diakonia, “ministry”] of the bishop” (Hippolytus, Apostolic Tradition). In the ancient Greek-speaking world the term diakonos meant an intermediary who acted or spoke for a superior. Christian deacons were agents of the bishop, often with oversight of charity.

Since ancient times the liturgical functions of deacons have suggested the activity of angels. As they proclaim the gospel, lead intercessions, wait at the eucharistic table, and direct the order of the assembly, deacons act as sacred messengers, agents, and attendants. The revival of the order of deacons in the twentieth century has emphasized social care and service. Many bishops in the Episcopal Church expect their deacons to promote care of the needy outside the church. In addition to those ordained deacon as a permanent vocation, there are also “transitional deacons” who are ordained deacon as a preliminary step toward ordination as a priest.

The Commission on Ministry (COM) assists the bishop in selecting candidates for ordination and overseeing a process of formation for both priestly and diaconal leadership in the Diocese of Rhode Island. It is also sponsors programs and processes that assist laity in discerning their vocations.

The Commission, as required by our canons, is composed of six clergy, at least four of whom shall be presbyters, and six lay members nominated by the Bishop and confirmed by Convention for 3 year terms. The canons outline the requirements which the COM has organized into the files below. Begin with the Guide for Discernment and the two timelines to give you an overview of the process. If you have questions, contact the COM Chair, Betsy Fornal (Betsy@episcopalri.org).


Guide for Discernment January 2016

Timeline Aspirant to Postulant 2018

Diaconal Postulant to Ordination Timeline 2016

Required Behavioral Screening Questionnaire

Required Life History Questionnaire

1 Declaration

2A Nomination

2B PDT Report



5 Postulancy Application

6 Candidacy Application

7 Affirmation

8 Ordination Application

9 Affirmation

Ordination as a Priest

Derived from the Greek presbyteros, “elder, or “old man, ” the term is used as a synonym for presbyter. Presbyters constituted a collegiate ruling body of institutions in Judaism. The Cathechism notes that “the ministry of a priest or presbyter” is “to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as pastor to the people; to proclaim the gospel; to administer the sacraments; and to bless and declare pardon in the name of God” (BCP, p. 856). The term “priest” is more frequently used than “presbyter” in the Episcopal Church. The ordination service for this order of ministry is titled “The Ordination of a Priest” (BCP, p. 525). After the Reformation, the Anglican Church used the term “priest” for the second order of ministry. Some Protestant churches began to use the term “presbyter” for the minister who preaches the Word and administers the sacraments. The 1979 BCP uses both terms.

The Commission on Ministry (COM) assists the bishop in selecting candidates for ordination and overseeing a process of formation for both priestly and diaconal leadership in the Diocese of Rhode Island. It is also sponsors programs and processes that assist laity in discerning their vocations.

The Commission, as required by our canons, is composed of six clergy, at least four of whom shall be presbyters, and six lay members nominated by the Bishop and confirmed by Convention for 3 year terms. The canons outline the requirements which the COM has organized into the files below. Begin with the Guide for Discernment and the two timelines to give you an overview of the process. If you have questions, contact the COM Chair, Betsy Fornal (Betsy@episcopalri.org).

Guide for Discernment for Priesthood (January 2016)

Timeline Aspirant to Postulant (2018)

Priest Postulant to Ordination Timeline 2016bf

1 Declaration

2A Nomination

2B PDT Report

Required Behavioral Screening Questionnaire

Required Life History Questionnaire

3 Waiver


5 Postulancy Application

6 Candidacy Application

7 Affirmation

8 Diaconate Application

9 Diaconal Affirmation

10 Ordination Application

11 Ordination Affirmation

Required Behavioral Screening Questionnaire

Required Life History Questionnaire

Required Medical Examination

Required Mental Health Evaluation