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Lay Worship Leaders

Diocesan Guidelines for Licensed Worship Leaders According to Title III, Canon 4 of The Constitution and Canons of the General ...


By-Laws are developed by each congregation and approved by the Standing Committee. In working towards having a standardized template that all ...

Church-wide Canons

Canons are the written rules that provide a code of laws for the governance of the church. The canons of ...

Diocesan Constitution and Canons

The diocesan constitution as approved in Diocesan Convention in November 2016, and Canons and Rules of Order revised in November ...

Diocesan Archives

The University of Rhode Island serves as the official depository of non-current and historical records of many of the Episcopal ...

Employee Manuals

It is helpful for congregations to have an employee manual that spells out the church's policies, benefits, etc. The following ...

Thrift Shop Ministry

Several Episcopal churches in the diocese have thrift shops. While there are different purposes and audiences for these shops, they ...

Bishop’s Message – What Comes Next?

Governor Raimondo and her staff are talking about plans to start relaxing restrictions here in Rhode Island and allowing more ...

Fiduciary Responsibility Checklist

This checklist itemizes the practices that the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee of a church are responsible for overseeing to ensure ...

Workshop materials from Leadership Institute on March 23, 2019

A 'Parish Legacy Society' as Planned Giving How to create and nurture a Legacy Society, honoring those who name your ...

Ways to Make a Planned Gift

The Episcopal Church Foundation has prepared a list of ways you can give to your church, the diocese or one ...

Bishop’s policy on cancelling worship in inclement weather

Dear clergy colleagues, Please be mindful of weather conditions that can affect our regular worship schedules. If the State or ...

Photo Release Template

Before that picture is included in your newsletter, added to your church's website or posted on FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, etc., ...

Copyright Guidelines for Churches

Churches can and are sued for copyright violations. Therefore, it is important for church leaders to be aware of and ...

Episcopal Church Style Guide

The following information is designed to help those who write about the Episcopal Church, its clergy and ministries. The official ...

Episcopal Church Media Guide

The Episcopal Church has a guide that provides you with the font name, shield, colors and other communications norms that ...

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

XYZ Church is committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, sex, sexual ...

Model Anti-Harrassment Policy

Model Policies for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Church Workers The Church Pension Group and The Nathan Network provide ...

Diocesan Logo

The diocesan logo can be used by congregations which may also wish to use the colors in their communications. PMS 300 ...

Public Affairs Policies Toolkit

The Toolkit of the Public Affairs Office is designed for your use to help enhance your message, broaden your reach ...

Alcoholic Beverage Policy

Each church has a responsibility under Rhode Island law and has a moral responsibility of not encouraging excessive use of ...
Safe Church Training

Sexual Misconduct Policies

The General Convention Task Force to Update Sexual Misconduct Policies has updated the Safe Church Policies for the Episcopal Church ...

Peace and Justice Policies

The Episcopal Church adopts policies on a range of issues related to justice and peace through its triennial General Convention ...

Finding Baptism, Marriage or Burial Records

In the Episcopal Church each congregation serves as the primary record-keeper of its baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials. If you ...